Guest Contributor

Captain’s Log,

   Had set sail for the port of Mechanicsville, a proper title to be sure, as the soul I seeks be just that!  He works his day on Old British Iron, with a passion for their regal presence, but with full understanding of their cantankerous natures.  So as I be in his shop waiting on delivery of items I was in need of, I witness a practice of his, which brought a smile to me face.  He was prepare’n a Triumph head for placement and was heating the seal with a torch.  Now it what he done next that raised the corners of me mouth in an upward direction.  Once the sealing device had reached proper temperature, he proceeded to the water closet and dipped in his water can for proper tempering!. I says to me self, there be something rather right about what he had just done, and it served his purpose quite well!   This here mechanical friend of mine, he be a “Toilet Temper’n”, “Master of Methods”, to be sure, and it be for these reasons he be the “Tempered Soul”!
My pal Kevin penned this after observing me anneal a copper head gasket by heating it to glowing, red hot then quenching it in the water of the toilet. Just using every resource available….